September 23, 2004

Who Me? LATE???

Because I live in Procrastination Station (what did you think I was paying to get my graduate degree in? Something useful?? HAHAHA 3/4 of the way to an MA in Procrastination Bay-bee) today's post is about two seasons too late. What is that you say? Better late than never... I thought so. And on that sentiment, here is my post on the Spring Fling that Alison Flung. I did knit it in Spring so it should count :)

Without further ado I bring you the story of Missy:

Rowan Missy

Rowan Magazine 31
Pattern: Missy
Yarn: Cotton Glace
color: 811 Tinkle

Missy was my first real knitted item for myself that I made with an intent to wear and wasn't a scarf or pair of socks. Sure I knit a Lopi for myself, I have even worn it. But until I move to Scandinavia again it is not a fashion item. Missy is also what I call knitting on the edge. I was on the edge of graduate school mental breakdown... and the knitting helped me calm my nerves.

Missy Cotton Glace

Miss Missy was my first Rowan pattern, and the first thing I made using a Rowan yarn. Moving to Paris and going to the Bon Marche, I got me edumacated in knitting yarns. I got to peruse the Rowan patterns. I fell in love and this right here... this is where I started on my path to becoming a Rowanette. This project was borne of the love I have for my new Rowanette Wanna-be self.

Missy and I in general were on good terms. I chose her as I wanted a tank top for summer. Simple but stylishly fashionable, sounded good to me. And I thought she might make my bust line look good. Besides which anything made on 3 1/4 or above needles makes my fingers happy. She was a simple knit with a few little bits that made her a beginner and a half project. Cotton Glace was a joy to knit with, it made me not hate all cotton (after knitting in Idena cotton with those dratted pokey 2.5mm needles in Norway, I was not fond of cotton). Becky the blessed goddess she is was kind enough to suggest how to block Missy. I blocked great, seaming well you know that post a few days ago... Anyways here are a few of the progress shots I took as I went along.

Missy Amazon
The "Amazon" look is Tres Chic you know

Missy Blocking
Block That I Say

Missy Pinata
Looks like a Pinata, Versatile too!

What was the fate of Miss Missy... well unfortunately I have lost about 10 lbs this year (weight I had gained while on medications and no I don't know how I lost it while living here, I sure as hades haven't been limiting my tartlette citron or stinky cheese consumption) and so after I seamed her up in a quasi-ok fashion; she promptly became way too big. "I'll flash you if I move my arms quick" kind of too big, and I am a half Spaniard who flails when she talks. That is what happens when you make the smallest size... GRRRRRR.

Missy has subsequently been boiled and fried (cause the Europeans are SERIOUS about their washing and drying machines- 90C for a washing and 80C for a dryer) and that has helped, if only slightly. The lace detail bit with the ribbon belt though makes her potentially wearable. She currently resides in Italy in my suitcase of sh*t I don't need, but I am hopeful that I will wear her one day.

Missy Busty
Please ignore the dirty kitchen and stare at the illusionary rack

She fulfills her function and design as you can see. She was a pastel color and let me tell you in Spring-time Paris pastel was the Haute of Couture. She was modified, the straps were supposed to be for a tank top, but they were WAY too long. So she became a halter top. And being a wrap halter top she performs magnificent feats of illusion. She makes me look like Missy Busty. I am barely a B cup people, but take a look at that full shot!

Would I make her again. Sure deal, except she is not going to be so wide the next go around. Would I suggest Cotton Glace, Yes'sum! And do I think you can do the pattern? Sure... it's lots of stockinette, a bit of garter and some shaping. If you are brave, can patiently read through the pattern and be smart enough to know how to mirror, you too can wear Missy one day.

Me in Missy
Don't hate me cause I am Pasty in Pastels

Many thanks to Alison for including me even though I never emailed her with the follow up, well before I saw my name on her blog. And now if you will pardon me Bush is talking on TV and I dont think I should subject you kind readers to my Tourettes Syndrome.

Posted by Stinkerbell at September 23, 2004 04:38 PM | TrackBack