April 11, 2006


I am running on empty, like Dead Woman Writing I think. Ironically it has nothing to do with Paris Roller, which was ever so nicer and less foul mouthed this time due to nicer route, LOTS more people, and thus a SLOWER pace! I really enjoyed most of the tour and wish I was comfortable enough rolling over cobble stone on wheels to take pictures. Because blading by the Tour lit up in that lovely bronze hue, with a police escort. That is a memory.

No... the main reason I have been silent recently isn't just that work took over, it is now that I have returned to the every day job... The one that sucks clown's ass in a royal vacuum pumped kind of way. And I just cant find the means to make some of the not so pretty parts going on- at least funny. Not a good sign. Nor is it a good sign to have a friend at the local pub say to you what is wrong with your eyes- they have a hollow look to them.

So I am staring things down, talking out loud to myself about them, which entails having to have the hard discussions and making the hard decisions. Tink wonders if can you wind that internal clock of her's a bit tighter... please? THANKS *drip* *drip*

Regardless of anything else, I know that it is time for change now, and I need to make sure that I do my all to create the conditions and parameters for it. Cause if not well I will loose the right to my whip over there on the wall, the one that I use to say "WHOSE MAH BITCH" with. And I don't know if I want to face up to that possibility in MY life. Nor am I really interested in the bleeding ulcer again. The ass bleed strikes terror in the pants Chez Tink.

So the silence has been an exhaustion, pensive and self-censorship function. The return back to my current job makes me dread the day. Though a ray of hope is peeking through a cloud- in the form of a job I WANT and am going to apply for (4 jobs... little over 1 year... all good... VODKA... even better). The good dead dog knows that I am hoping my ridiculous supersititions will come through. Especially after I spent a chunk of the weekend dealing with them (Ok- here is the belief: I get things in life I want because I clear my Karma, I make payments to the Favor Bank, I Feng Shui my ass and most importantly- my dishes are done. This is what brings bounty into my life... Yes I have had my head checked- why do you ask??)

But on to the knitting... So did I ever talk to you about the TBM? No I didn't because I am a bad Tink (and a Tink who keeps promising that Virtual Tour there too). And a slightly depressed thus photo reduced Tink (maybe that savings she is doing will get her that Digital SLR and that will spark her up- let's hope) So what seems like a month ago, but was only 10 days!, I went in for the treatment. The Videz Votre Compte Treatment. I spent WAY more than I should have and hope that I will use all that yarn (and the sock yarn I bought and want to still buy). Because as of now I am on a yarn diet!

Here is the rundown of what I bought:
Project Purchases:
Enough Alpaca Silk to make Lara
Enough Cotton Cashmere to make a Tivoli
Cheapie Buys:
A 10 pack of Anny Blatt Challenger (in Crepuscule)
A 10 pack of Phildar Aviso (in Olive/Khaki Green)

Starting Up

As for the needles moving round and round... on Saturday I started here...

Hmmm Will It Or Won't It

Top Down construction can sometimes be a treacherous thing...

A Weekend's Worth

This was the evidently nipple-tastic end of the weekend. I spent time cleaning instead of knitting... Karma I need it more than I need the knitting or the Tivoli (yes that serious)

Negative Ease Confuses Me

and now am here.

Blocked Pieces

With a little of this on the side.

End of Questions and Photos...

I should have a nice family weekend/Easter midget munchkin tossing event in a few days so while I may be quiet I will hopefully have an FO to show next week. When the sun comes back out from where ever I sent it hiding (DAMN me for saying Spring was here)

Posted by Stinkerbell at April 11, 2006 08:49 PM | TrackBack

I'm just stuck on your nipples.... sorry. lol!

Posted by: Scout at April 12, 2006 03:05 AM

have a good weekend! i can understand the job thingie. I just got back into a day job, and it took away my time for knitting.

Posted by: Lois at April 12, 2006 09:19 AM