April 27, 2006

Think Positive Thoughts

First smile there is a photo:

White Poppy B&W Photoshopped

Ok now on to the hyperventilation. So I did something very stupid (look I am illiterate, that should get me bonus points!) and missed an important work deadline. Something that might make my life livable again and give me some hope for the 40+ hours a week I spend here... I am fudging around to try and get in for consideration by the skin of my chinny-chin-chin. So a group pray-a-long for the agnostic is seeming like a good idea.

Between that and the weather for the holiday, I feel like I could use some vibes going around. I am sure there are worse things and others that need the vibes too, but if you have a spare thought around that you can send my way that would be great too.

I will try to blog tomorrow but if not, I won't be online for at least the next 12 days (except to downloand photos so I can take more) so there won't be any updates until after May 9th. I am going to Sicily to drink wine, snorkel in the rain and sacrifce a god to the Volanoes. It is one hell of an itinerary I tell you. But if you want to ride along on the coat tails, you can see if I put anything up on Flickr :) So no need to email wondering if I am dead or not. Unless I fall into the volcano...

P.S. Unfortunately neither Cutaway nor Tivoli will be with me in Sicily. And in the end I am ok with that (too much of a perfectionist for my own good and a perfectionist with not enough time or focus)- though I haven't decided what the hell I will do about the orangutang arms on Cutaway... must have been the blocking!

Posted by Stinkerbell at April 27, 2006 10:30 AM | TrackBack

Lots of good thoughts coming your way!!

Posted by: Cara at April 27, 2006 01:50 PM

You've always got my good thoughts Tink. Have a fun vaca. :)

Posted by: Laura at April 27, 2006 04:44 PM

Lotsa good vibes heading your way!

Posted by: Amy at April 27, 2006 04:59 PM

Good thoughts and crossed fingers!

Posted by: cari at April 27, 2006 06:34 PM