February 03, 2006

Welcome To Tinkland

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Sock Nation

I think Bonne Marie might just have it right... only I don't know which nation I am a part of so... I am the Nation of Me. Tinkland. That is right not a -stan, just the land :)

Anyways to the socks... My knitting ADD has made me a bit itchy and the feeling of so many projects in the run makes the responsible one in me feel guilty. So I shout FOCUS TINK FOCUS. And Hocus Pocus some magic appears (Note Tinkland has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING NADA ZIP ZILCH NIENTE RIEN to do with that OTHER land or its Magical Kingdom... I'll have you know: this is aint no kingdom and it aint no democracy- this is the United States of Tink. I'm the president, I'm the emperess, I'm the queen. I'm Michael Jackson, you Tito. Your ass belongs to me. And yes that is a bastardized quote what of it??).

Start of Jaywalker 2

I hit it and I hit it hard. YEAH ME!! I went home Tuesday night and I made sure that I ignored Salina (need to research up a bit more on short row shoulder shaping for the 3 needle bind off "seaming" of a shoulder. Trust me the less finishing the better the chance this blog will see me in another knit sweater!). Instead I cast on for the second Jaywalker and I finished up the ribbing.

And today after an utterly hellish week and another one like it facing me next week (MAN I better get my money out o' this weekend) I am going to finish up a work letter and go home. If I don't collapse I will probably watch some TV (which I really havent done much of in a long time!) or a DVD (MUST get some more new ones, and TV show ones cause I am just watching Father Ted over, and Over and OVER and really I am going to start saying FECK or ARSE at inappropriate times if I don't get a grip on this soon :) and then I will try to work some on the leg of Jaywalker the pair. If I manage to get out of the flat on Sunday, I might even be able to get all the prep for a Barelona post done and up next week... :)

I am nothing if not behind so here goes too. I'm no Cara, and I really want to get a better point and shoot than what I got, but here is a flower for the week. And since I am WAY THE HECK behind on the ABC along that I wanted to try and do... consider this A- for Amarylls one of my favorite flowers to get at the market. We will have B and hopefully C next week :)

Have a Lovely Weekend!

Posted by Stinkerbell at February 3, 2006 06:57 PM | TrackBack

I love this post and I'm SO jealous that you've begun your second Jaywalker.

Posted by: Laura at February 4, 2006 02:58 PM